Updated 21 November 2006
Report from Malcolm Adams 24 October 2006
Congratulations to Alan in turning the table on Roy this year. 28mph is
close, although it has been closer in the past - Alan Rowe v Peter Jenn.
Mentioning these two I am not sure whether our TT manager got in two ‘25’s to
qualify or whether Peter Jenn did his usual and is keeping quite! It is a shame
Brian Dacey could not find another ‘10’ (he did try) so he could have got in the
act. Dave Haggart has yet to give me his times, come on Dave don’t be shy.
If there is any other Vet out there who has the required two ‘10’ and
two‘25’s, I would still like to know.
Back to Alan Priddy, I mentioned in my other report (Vets records) that Alan
has ridden the required Club BAR distances.They are as follows:-
25 Miles 59mins 25sec.
50 Miles 2hrs 15mins 09secs
100 Miles 4hrs 50mins 49secs
Average Speed 22.6914 mph.
Hopefully, I may be able to finalise the results before the Nov. DLN. goes to
press, if not the full result will be in the Dec. DLN.
Malcolm Adams

This year seven records have been broken - Alan Priddy has taken four, Roy
Savery, our President, two, and Brian Dacey, one. Congratulations to you all.
Alan removed Peter Gunnell’s 25 mile standard of 59.35 for a 64 year old and
replaced it with 59.25 (first time under since his comeback, well done!). He
wiped out Alan Rowe’s 1.14.50 (Age 60) and 1.16.18 (Age 64) and replaced them
with 1.14.00. for 30 miles
He established a 50 mile record of 2.15.09 for a 64 year old. Also 100 mile
record of 4.50.49.
Alan , as you can see from the above, completed all club BAR distances, I do
not know of any other member competing at all distances this year, so I believe
he must be Club Time Trial Champ. (as I read the rule 30a. …………the rider with
the highest average speed over the three distances in any one year shall be
known as the Club Time Trial Champion) no mention that there has to be more than
one competitor, I hope the committee agree with me, he deserves it.
Brian Dacey held the 25 mile record (Age 67) for a couple of weeks. (this is
not the shortest length of time Brian, I held the 30 mile some years back for
about 10 mins! until Alan Rowe finished.) Brian’s 1.03.15 was wiped out by our
President Roy with a brilliant ride of 1.00.13 (under the hour next year Roy!)
Brian did improve on his ride and reduced his ‘25’ time to 1.01.50, but Roy had
already done the damage. Roy also removed John Giles’ 10 mile standard of 29.49
for a 70 year old and replaced it with a time of 24.34.
I am still awaiting all times to come in for the Vets BAR so I may have to
hold fire until the December DLN.
Malcolm Adams