26 August 2023 Hi Jeremy and fellow committee members
As I was unable to attend the AGM and for some reason I had
not read the subsequent minutes, your e mail has come as a
complete surprise.
I am greatly honoured that the Club has deemed me worthy to
receive the Club's Gold Badge of Honour.
Everything I have done over the years has given me great
pleasure, I only wish I could have done more in the early years.
The 65 years have flown by and I have some wonderful memories of
the times gone by, and have made so many lifetime friendships.
My only wish is that that our great Club will once again
enjoy the success it had in the past. I hope I will be able to
support the club in the best way I can for as long as I can.
For 55 years I have had the support of Lyn, who at times can
be best described as a cycling widow, so she deserves a share in
this honour.
Thank you all for bestowing this award upon me
Best Wishes to all.
Dear Malcolm,
I am sorry that you were unable to join us at
the Committee Meeting on Zoom, we saw that you were trying to.
You will have seen from the AGM minutes that
it was agreed that you should be awarded the Gold Badge of
Honour for your services to and your support of the Club since
Steve has spoken to Terry Deeley who will make
one once he returns from his cruise and we then need to find a
suitable occasion to make the presentation.
Congratulations Malcolm you really deserve it.
Kind regards,
Hon Sec