Dear Friends
We made it! The 18km climb
to 2115 metres was completed in 1 hour and 50 minutes. The girls (Judith
and Rachel) led all the way up to the top encouraged by the French in
holiday mood shouting for Les Filles. Local rider Graham Gilbert, knowing
what was to come, stopped for a recuperative drink just past Bareges. Gary
and Jeannie had already made it to the top having given themselves a
headstart on the peloton. Super domestiques Aidan and Adam caught Judith
and Rachel with 5kms to go and handed up new supplies of water provided by
top soigneur Gareth Glynn (also photographer and driver extraordinaire).
At 3kms from the top the relentless climbing started to bite and Judith
cursed the climbs of England as mere molehills in comparison to the mighty
Tourmalet. Rachel was muttering about "the things I do for you
Charlie". Rachel found a bit of extra strength to sprint for the line
once she had been told it was only a few feet round the corner and crossed
it slightly ahead of her brother and the others. Claire, Alex, Naomi and
Daniel were at the top cheering them on.
The descent back to Luz St Saveur
took Rachel and Judith 24 minutes. Adam descended like a demon and beat
them all back. They arrived back in Gaillac to a fantastic party laid on
by Alex and Claire with about 80 French and English locals, many of whom
had read about the Charlie challenge in the local paper, Depeche du Midi.
Thank you all for your support.
For those who haven't already paid their sponsorship money you can either
wait to see Judith or Rachel, or send a cheque made payable to RoadPeace
Rachel at 51 Therapia Road, London
SE22 0SD or Judith at 55 Claverdale Road, London SW2 2DJ
Once all the money is collected we
will have raised over £2,000. Thank you.
Rachel Hedley
rachel@rhpost.demon.co.uk Tel: 020 8291 3450 Fax: 0870 0513754 Mob: 07710 280757

On the way up...
 The group before the start at Pierrefitte Nestalas
 Rachel, Judith and Adam at the summit... |